mill complex
Dechkov Mill
The mill complex is situated on an area of 13 000 sq. m. in the northwest part in the land of Obnova village, Pleven Municipality.Located 30km east of Pleven on the main road Sofia – Ruse.
The region is famous for the cultivation of cereals, which facilitates the procurement and selection of high-quality production of milled wheat products.
Why choose us?
Over 12 years has been working successfully with customers from all over the country, as well as for export.

The company has built two mills with a total capacity of 150 tona/24ch.The smaller one is put into operation in 2001.

The management system of the organization is assessed and certified in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2008.

Silo Facility
The total capacity of the silo facility of the company is 13000 tones wheat. There are five silos with active ventilation and automated system for thermal control, and three smaller silos with capacity 270 tones each.
The milling line is equipped with highly efficient machines for cleaning and preparation of wheat, which ensures the provision of high quality milling products. The mill has a computer system for control of technological processes, which allows the extraction of high quality flour.